Figuring explores the complexities of love and the human search for truth and meaning through the interconnected lives of several historical figures across four centuries - beginning with the astronomer Johannes Kepler, who discovered the laws of planetary motion, and ending with the marine biologist and author Rachel Carson, who catalysed the environmental movement.
Stretching between these figures is a cast of artists, writers, and scientists - mostly women, mostly queer - whose ...
Popova, Maria
Kartoniert, 592 p.
Sprache: Englisch
198 mm
ISBN-13: 978-1-78689-726-8
Titelnr.: 80654824
Gewicht: 402 g
Canongate Books (2020)
Canongate c/o Faber and Faber Ltd.
74-77 Great Russel Street
GB London WC1B 3DA